Versatile Testing: Designed to swiftly detect a wide range of drug substances commonly used in drink-spiking incidents, including date rape drugs like Scopolamine GHB, and Ketamine.
Simple and easy design makes it accessible to all users, without the need for special expertise or equipment.
Instant Results: Receive immediate feedback on the presence of drug substances in your drink, ensuring rapid detection and peace of mind.
Portable: Compact and lightweight, the CYD test strips can easily fit into pockets or purses, making them convenient for use on the go.
Universal Compatibility: Suitable for testing both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, ensuring comprehensive protection in any drinking environment.
Check Your Drink (CYD) Drink Spiking Test Kit - 5 Pack, White
Versatile Testing: Designed to swiftly detect a wide range of drug substances commonly used in drink-spiking incidents, including date rape drugs like Scopolamine GHB, and Ketamine.
Simple and easy design makes it accessible to all users, without the need for special expertise or equipment.
Instant Results: Receive immediate feedback on the presence of drug substances in your drink, ensuring rapid detection and peace of mind.
Portable: Compact and lightweight, the CYD test strips can easily fit into pockets or purses, making them convenient for use on the go.
Universal Compatibility: Suitable for testing both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, ensuring comprehensive protection in any drinking environment.